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PRMSC Membership

Club Structure and Membership

To become a PRMSC member you must also be a member of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA). When you become a member of the SSAA, you become part of Australia's largest shooting organisation and join thousands of other people around the country in ensuring the future of shooting sports. Following that to become a PRMSC member you are required to attend on competition match days. The discipline or match co-ordinator will talk to you and help you to get started. Our priority is always safety so an experienced member will guide and supervise you during the course of your visit. You are welcome to shoot as a visitor on 3 occasions and booking online is essential, during this time it will give us a chance to assess your safety and suitability, and you a chance to consider if our club is right for you. In order to compete in handgun competitions you must be a full member and have undertaken our Handgun Training and Safety course first, but don't be deterred there are many disciplines to explore at the club.

Membership Fees

First year Adult membership costs $295 plus a one off club nomination fee of $120 for new members. Membership fees are set out as follows.

Full Adult Member $295

Additional Family members $200

Senior Member $200

Junior Members $200

WSC Associate Member  $200


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Shooting Times

New members are restricted to shooting during competition times only. There is no casual shooting allowed when a competition is underway. The range is closed when we have busy bees. All competition and important dates are set out in the Calendar/Upcoming events page of our website. Once you are a full member, and passed your qualification period, you can bring guests to the club but you are responsible for them while they are here and for their safety.

SSAA Membership


The SSAA runs hundreds of shooting clubs around the country and represents the interests of firearm owners, shooters, and hunters on a national and international level. Financial members of the SSAA are entitled to public liability and personal accident insurance for their shooting and hunting activities through SSAA Insurance Brokers. Members may also choose to upgrade their membership to the SSAA's $35 Gold membership option to receive $25,000 worth of firearms and fixed firearm accessories insurance. In addition to this some of the practical benefits of SSAA membership include complimentary access to the Australian Shooter magazine, The Junior Shooter magazine, SSAA National Newsletters and special report publications. SSAA members can also purchase some great merchandise through the SSAA store.



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